Day 1: Wichita to El Dorado, KS (43.6 miles)

I have been worrying about today - actually starting this ride- for months: Months when I was consumed by my illness and its various complications and challenges. Months when my mother's care was overwhelming. Months of rainy weather. It felt like today was so far away - until it was here and we took off in a pack from Wichita.

The group is much smaller this year, down by about half from the second section, which we rode in 2019. There are advantages and disadvantages to a smaller group, and one advantage is with only 2 completely new people, we have gotten to know them a bit pretty quickly, and we have been able to reconnect with those we already knew quickly as well. Many of us rode today's route at about the same speed, which gave us lots of time to talk and catch up, which was wonderful!

Some of my worries were totally justified. I am so undertrained. I could feel it in this easy 43 miles. I also had pain that I haven't had biking before. Pain that I have only had after being diagnosed with anaplasmosis. Pain that is not fully understood by my doctors, but was not significant enough for them to keep me home. I hope it stays that way! It is really hot and that makes everything harder. But…

Riding a bike through eastern Kansas is a great privilege. We saw be beauty of this part of the midwest today. The people here are very nice and supportive of cyclists. Deb and I had a geeat lunch at a cafe in downtown El Dorado (riding there added a few more miles to the day's unofficial total). This is the town where President Obama’s grandparents lived and where his mother grew up. On the way back to the hotel, I almost got taken out by a woman in a motorized wheelchair - but she did apologize sincerely. I had called out “on your left” and she said she had heard me but didn't know where it was coming from, so she went ahead and turned left, right into the path of my bike. 😳

Relaxing in the hotel, I am so glad I came, despite all the possible reasons/excuses not to. It is going to be hard, but I am very lucky to be here and I am going to enjoy it as much as I possibly can!

MPJ saw a bird very much like this one at the hotel in Wichita. Could it be following us?

MPJ saw a bird very much like this one at the hotel in Wichita. Could it be following us?

Those are some long horns!

Those are some long horns!